C152 Heavy Duty

152 cm Flood Barrier for Reliable Flood Protection

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The C152 is a model within our Heavy Duty product range, featuring the same stable, robust, and durable construction as the other flood barriers in the series. With only two aluminum sheets and two connection rods required per section, the C152 is an incredibly efficient system for achieving an impressive 152 cm dam height in a short time.

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Dam height

152 cm

Section width

122 cm

Deployment time
(100 m / 6 people)

55 min

(Barrier and membrane)

4.4 m

European patent No. EP3359743
ANSI 2510-2020Maximum Rated Water Depth 40”Flood barriers for perimeter barrier applications
ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001-2015
727F7D2A-1EA8-4909-9216-E34727E332DEUS Patent No.: US 10,508,396 B1